we found Information ,Some western politics are Working with IslamTerrorst for own Business And for their interest in delete Christianity From middle east .

we found Information ,Some western politics are Working with IslamTerrorst for own Business And for their interest in delete Christianity From mideal east . reality this information stressed for us. the western peoples are not understand perfect the Problem and bad History for western intelligence. but this is not strange. because we are wait better than this Problems from this false World. in the Past year really Coming many Questions in our heart, why Western Governments no listen our Cry?!! Why America the Problem of Syrians not stay for Sriyans? The Syrian Opposition groups are eating the meat of Human Beings we see by Our eys.we have evidence.but some western countries are help for them.like Obama Administration.President Obama is helping Syrian Opposition groups, Obama help Terrorists, Terrorists are killed christians. and the American Senate not Must Stop Obama until now . really this is very shame for Americans , their President help Terrorist. so, we c...