
Showing posts from December, 2014

An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send letter (date 15/11/2014) His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia about persecution of Christians in Eritrea.

An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send @mail  letter (date 15/11/2014) His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia about persecution of Christians in Eritrea. Date: November 15. 2014 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia 22, Danilovsky val Danilov monastery DECR MP 115191 Moscow, Russia Email: Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 633-8428 Russia Priest Mussie Shishay Email: Eritrean Tewahdo Orthodox Church in Switzerland and Freedom of Religion in Eritrea Switzerland “ Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” - Hebrews 13:3 “ Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:9 I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, My name is Priest Musie Shishay. I am a Priest in Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Chur...

An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send letter (date 15/12/2014) to Pope Francis about persecution of Christians in Eritrea.

An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send letter (date 15/12/2014) to Pope Francis about persecution of Christians in Eritrea. in other news He is sending @emeil for Russian Orthodox Patriarch His Holiness Kirill And other religious and governmental world wide organizations. read the Letter,   father mussie Shishay at the moment of  tragedy Lampedusa. Date: November 22. 2014 His Holiness, Pope Francis   Apostolic Palace   00120 Vatican City   Eritrean Tewahdo Orthodox Church in Switzerland and Freedom of Religion in Eritrea . “ Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” - Hebrews 13:3 “ Open your mouth, judge righteously; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:9 Peace and love with mercy be unto you from God th...

'Every five minutes, a Christian dies in the Middle East'

'Every five minutes, a Christian dies in the Middle East' Madrid, Spain, Dec 12, 2014 / 04:47 am ( CNA/EWTN News ) .- Fr. Gabriel Nadaf is a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church. He lives in Nazareth and faces death threats for publicizing the state of Christians in the Middle East. Fr. Nadaf has a 24-hour security escort, the highest level of protection offered by Israeli authorities. However, during his recent trip to Spain, he told CNA that he is not afraid and has come “to make the voices of Christians in the East heard.”   “What is happening in the Middle East is genocide, and it is happening today, now,” Fr. Nadaf said. “Every five minutes, a Christian dies in the Middle East, and Muslim leaders know it.” “I have been screaming this for years while the world remains silent,” he stressed, adding that the region is being “emptied of Christians, and that is where their faith was born.” The persecution of Christians has drawn attention from Pope Francis in recent months a...


1ይ ክፋል ዕሽር ሰላም ኣምላክ ንዓኹም ይኹን ፍቁራትን ኩቡራትን ኣቦታተይን ኣዴታተይን ኣሕዋተይ ኣሓተይ።ጸጋ ጎይታና የሱስ ክርስቶስ ምሳኹም ይኹን።ናይ ሎሚ ኣርእስቲ ንርእዮ ተደኣ ኣልዩ፡መንፈስ ቅዱስ ብዝመርሓና መሰረት፡ብዛዕባ ዕሽር ኢዩ።ዕሽር ዝብል ነገር ሰሚዕኩም ክትኮኑ ከም ትኽእሉ እምንቶ ኣሎኒ፡ግዳ ሪዲኢትኩም ክሰፍሕን ክጸብብን ይኽእል ኢዩ። ስለምንታይ ኢዩ፡ገንዘብና በረኸት ንስእነሉ፡ስለምንታይከ መዓልታዊ ህይወትና ዕግበት ዘይንረኽበሉ፡ስለምንታይ መዓልታዊ ህይወትና ዓወት ዘይብሉ፧ ስለምንታይከ ውሽጣዊ ቅሳነት ዘይንረክብ፧ ወዘተ በረኸት ከይንረክብ ሽር ኣምላኽ ሰሪቅና ስለንነብር ዘለና ኢዩ። ሎሚ ካብቶም መዓልታዊ ናብ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ዝመጹ፡ክርስቲያናት መብዛሕቲኦም ኣይ ኸፍሉን፡ታሪፍ ጥራሕ ንስለ ማሕላ ይህቡ።እታ ሓያል ቤተ ክርስቲያን ግብጺ ኮነ ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ዘለወን ሓይሊ ካበይ ኣምጺአንኦ ተደኣ ኢልና፡ህዝበን መባኡን ዕሽሩን ስለዝኸፍል፡ኤርትራውያን ግን ዕሽር ኣምላኽ ሰሪቅና ስለንኸይድ ኢዩ።ዕሽር ማለት ማክብ እቲዋትካ ሓንቲ ካብ ዓሰርተ ምሃብ ማለት ኢዩ።ሎሚ መብዛሕቲኦም ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ዓዲ ወጻኢ ይርከቡ፡ተኾነ ኢዶም ንዕሽር ኣይፍታሕን፡ጓይላን ሓላፊ ወርቅን ብሩሩን ንዝፈርስ ዘይነብሩሉ ገዛ ንምስራሕን ግን ዶላራ ከፍሲሱ ኢኻ ትርእዮም፡ብገንዘብ እውን ክበኣሱን ሰላም ክስእኑንን ንርእይ፡ነዚ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ደው ኢላ ክትምህረሉ ግዴታ ኣለዋ፡ስለምንታይ ደቃ ኦሽር ብምስራቆም ኣብ መዓት ኣምላኽ ከይወድቁ ካብ በረኸት ኣምላኽ ከኣ ከይተርፉ። ክሓተካ ኢየ፡ኣብ ወርሒ ወይ መዓልቲ ክንደይ እቲዋት ኣሎኳ፧ እዚ ነቶም ዑቅባ ሓቲትና እሞ መንግስታት ዝሕግዘና ብዱጎማ እተን ንነብረለን ዘለና ሃገራት፡እንኮላይ የጣቃልል።ዕሽር ምሃብ ካብ ዝሰራሕካዮ ጥ...

1ይ ክፋል ህጂ እውን ከቶ ንክርስቶስ ምግልጋል ኣይክንሓድግን ኢና፡ቤት ኣምላኽ ድማ ኣይክንሓድግን ኢና።ኣይሕሰብን 'ዩ ኣይሕሰብን'ዩ።

1ይ ክፋል   ህጂ እውን ከቶ ንክርስቶስ ምግልጋል ኣይክንሓድግን ኢና፡ቤት ኣምላኽ ድማ ኣይክንሓድግን ኢና።ኣይሕሰብን 'ዩ ኣይሕሰብን'ዩ።(ነህምያ 10;39)   ንኣምላኽ ነገልግል ኢና ዝብሉ ካብ ፍቅሪ ኣምላኽ ንሰብ ክፈልዩዎ ክዓዩ፡ንርእየሉ ዘለና ክፉእ ዘመን ኢና በጺሕና ዘለና።ክንዲ ነተን ኣባግዕ ምእካበን ደስ ዝብሎምሲ ኣዒንቶም ደም ዝመልኦም፡ካብቲ ዝተበጀወለን ክርስቶስ ክፈልዩወን ላዕልን ታሕትን ክብሉ፡ንይእክብወን ኢዮም ኢሎም ዝገመቱዎም ጓሶት ድማ ክወቅዕዎም ማንትጎም ከተዓራርዩን ፍላጻ ክውርዉሩን ንርእየሉ ዘለና ዘመን ኢዩ። ግዳ ዋላኳ ንሶም ካብ ፍቅሪ ክርስቶስ ክፈልዩና ለይትን መዓልትን ተጸዓሩ ንሕና ግን ኩሉ ግዜ ንክርስቶስ ከነምልኾ ኢና።ደጊምና ነቶም ካብ ፍቅሪ ክርስቶስ ክፈልዩና፡ኣብቲ ንሶም ዝጣላቀዩዎ ዕያግ ሓጥያት ስለዘይተጣላቀና፡ ከምቲ ቅዱስ ጽሑፍ ዝብሎ።(1ይ ጴጥሮስ 4:4)ናብቲ ዕያግ ርኽሰት ምሳታቶም ስለ ዘይጐየኹም፡ እናተጻረፉ ብእኡ ይግረሙ አለዉ። ከም ዝበሎ፡ምሰኦም ሓቢርና ኣብ ክፋእ ኣምላኽ፡ኣብ ቤት ኣምላኽ ተቀሚጥናስ፡ ንኣምላኽ ዘግህዮ ስለዘይገበርና። ጉህዮም ዝሕንሕኑልና ዘለዉ፡ጽልመተኛታት ፍጹም፡ ፍጹም ፍጹም ፍጹም፡ዋጋ ዕዳጋ የሎን ብስም ክርስቶስ ንብሎም። ኣገልገልቲ ምትሃት ካብ ህዝቢ ከነጽሉና ኢዮም፡ህርድግ ዝብሉ ዘለዉ።ንሕና ግን ንስም ክርስቶስ ካብ ህዝቢ ዘይኮነስ ካብ ህዝቢታት ክንጸል ዱሉዋት ኢና።ስለ ስም ክርስቶስ ቃል ኣምላኽ ነጊርኩም ተባሂልና፡ክንዋረድ ክንሓስር፡ክንጽረፍ፡ፍታውና ኢዩ።ህጂ ድማ ንእውጅ ኣሎና፡ኣዋጅ ኣዋጅ ኣዋጅ ፡ኣንኳንዶ ንክርስቶስ ዘየፍቅርን ዘይፈቱን ሰብሲ፡ኦምን ብዘሎ ፍጥረትን እንተኾነ እኳ ካባና ተጸሪጉ ይጥፋእ ንብል ኣሎና።ዓለም ንዓና ክርስቶስ ዘይብሉ፡ባ...