An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send letter (date 15/11/2014) His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia about persecution of Christians in Eritrea.

An Eritrean Eritrean Orthodox priest Father Mussie shishay send @mail  letter (date 15/11/2014) His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia about persecution of Christians in Eritrea.

Date: November 15. 2014

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia

22, Danilovsky val

Danilov monastery DECR MP

115191 Moscow, Russia


Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 633-8428


Priest Mussie Shishay


Eritrean Tewahdo Orthodox Church in Switzerland and Freedom of Religion in Eritrea


Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” - Hebrews 13:3

Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:9

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

My name is Priest Musie Shishay. I am a Priest in Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church. I am in exile because I was persecuted for my Christian faith. I crossed the dangerous route of the Mediterranean Sea which took the lives of thousands of my countrymen in order to seek asylum in Europe. And now I am freely serving as an Orthodox Priest in Switzerland in a church called Medhane Alem (Savior of the World) Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Zurich.

I am writing this letter because although I am now in a much safer place, I do not want to forget the misery of my spiritual fathers and brothers who are in prison in Eritrea. I am appealing to you as your son to be a voice to those Christians who are perishing in Eritrea's dungeons and have no one to defend them in this world (Proverbs 31:8).

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, we Eritrean Christians are forced to exile because of the severe persecution inflicted upon us by the current regime in our country. The government of Eritrea waged a war upon our faith. There are more than 3000 Christians in different prison cells in Eritrea because of their faith. All this is without any kind of proper judicial procedure. Among the prisoners is Abune Antonios, the Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church. There are also many Orthodox Priests, Deacons, Teachers and Leaders of the Church in Eritrea who are in prison.

I plea on behalf of “The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church in Switzerland and Freedom of Religion in Eritrea” to the Russian Church by realizing the misery of her sisterly Church in Eritrea (Galatians 3:26-28) to make a call to the Eritrean government on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Antonios and the many incarcerated Eritrean Christian and the thousands young Eritreans who have been victims of human trafficking. Justice has been perverted in Eritrea for long (Habakkuk 1:4).

His Holiness Patriarch Antonios as a true child of God and a kind spiritual father loves the needy and comfort the hungry; and after serving in different capacities as a Monk for more than 35 years he became a Bishop. Then while he was serving as a Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church he has became a victim of persecution till this day.

After the imprisonment of the Third Patriarch Antonios the first, about 2000 Priests have been scattered from their spiritual service, Churches and their country. Out of these 30 Priests are in prison. And the families of the prisoners are not allowed to visit them and no one knows whether they are still alive or dead. And 14 priests and deacons are prohibited to enter into the compound of the holy Church; and 10 spiritual fathers are in a house arrest inside the city of Asmara.

And because of severe persecution inflicted upon them 49 servants of the office of the Patriarch and the national Diocese; and 32 spiritual fathers and monks in a monastery; and 5 female monastic monks (one of them is here in Switzerland seeking for asylum) fled from Eritrea to save their lives. In total around 1700 servants of the Orthodox Church are in exile. Moreover 1350 Priests and Deacons despite their Priestly order do not allow it, they are currently in a forced military conscription. The severe persecution imposed upon Eritrean believers of Christ could not be fully expressed in words.

According to the above mentioned figure more than 3500 Monks, Priests, Deacons, Teachers and Servants of the Church are either in a forced military conscription or in exile. This loss of spiritual servants causes a much regrettable damage to the needy Eritrean Church. In consequence there is an acute shortage of Priests and Deacons in Eritrea specially in those churches which are located in rural areas. Those religious students who spent many years to study the Christian faith in monasteries, instead of shepherding the believers are forced to leave their country. Recently more than 10 Monks fled to the neighboring country Ethiopia and we could not even able to assist them because of our own deficiency. Here the most distressing issue is our young people who suppose to lead the church in the near future are leaving the Orthodox Church because of inside and outside pressures.

The Eritrean Orthodox Church is divided into different groups because of the Eritrean government daily interference in the private affairs of the Church. As they strike the Shepherd they could able to scatter the sheep of the flock (Matthew 26:31). Some churches are already been closed not only because of the regime's hostile policy towards religious teachings and ministry in Sunday School; but also because of there is an acute shortage of Priests and Deacons. In addition the Bishops in Eritrea have no power to make an independent crucial decision and give spiritual guidance. They are under severe repression by the Eritrean regime. The government control every activity of the church including tithes and offerings. This is all done through inside collaborators of the regime. And sadly this all happen while many true servants of the church are forced to exile in Ethiopia, Sudan, Israel, Europe and North America.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Eritrea is among the top ten countries in persecuting Christians in the world. If it is allowed to continue like this Christianity be weakened and Christians will be extinct in Eritrea.

His Holiness Patriarch Antonios is 88 years old and a diabetic and a high blood pressure patient; and our holy father is suffering without proper medical attention since his imprisonment in 2007. He is also denied to go abroad for medical treatment. Therefore this is a plea on behalf of our holy father so that the Russian Church through its spiritual authority upon the Russian government and together with other Churches and other governmental and non governmental agencies to make the necessary and right pressure for his release and the release of all Prisoners of Faith. And to demand the Eritrean government to respect freedom of religion in Eritrea and to respect the human rights of all Eritreans.

I am so grateful in His Holiness's effort to help our brothers and sisters in Christ who have been persecuted in the Middle Eastern countries; and the same way I plea to you the equal attention to be given to the plight of the Eritrean Christians (Proverbs 31:8).

Therefore the holy Church of Russia may appeal to the Eritrean government:
As the health condition of our holy father is in a very critical condition and as it is deteriorating daily; he should be urgently released and get proper medical attention;
  1. The holy father should be re-instituted to their rightful spiritual position;
  2. The Eritrean government to stop interfering in the private affairs of the Eritrean Orthodox Church;
  3. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to lead us from front in fighting modern day slavery of human trafficking in Sudan, Sinai Egypt and Libya, which mostly affects the Eritrean youth who fled from their home country because of severe oppression.

Finally I humbly ask your prayer to those beloved brothers and sisters in Christ who are in Eritrea's prison and for the peace, justice and prosperity of the nation of Eritrea.

Sincerely yours,

Your Son Priest Mussie Shishay


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