Statement of Eritrean Christian Martyrs In Libya.

Statement of Eritrean Christian Martyrs In Libya. We received the sad news of the Atrocious killings of innocent Eritrean Christians Migrants in Libya with great indignation and Anger. We pray that the souls of our departed children may rest in peace and All the bereaved family members obtain consolation from God our Father. We would like to extend our condolences for our beloved families who lost their dear loved victims due to the infidel heinous terrorist act in Libya and for our beloved Eritrean Christians and Children of Sister Ethiopian Church that have suffered and endured the fruitless oppressive terrorism. While our condolences are offered, we definitely rely on our firm faith that our beloved martyrs who preceded us have lifted our hearts to heaven and made us desire heaven and have pure longing for the time when we are all united. we Condemn the evil Islamic State massacre of Eritrean Christians in Libya And we calls for the for the intervention Internat...