Statement of Eritrean Christian Martyrs In Libya.
Statement of Eritrean Christian Martyrs In Libya.
We received the sad news of the Atrocious killings of innocent Eritrean Christians Migrants in Libya with great indignation and Anger. We pray that the souls of our departed children may rest in peace and All the bereaved family members obtain consolation from God our Father.
We would like to extend our condolences for our beloved families who lost their dear loved victims due to the infidel heinous terrorist act in Libya and for our beloved Eritrean Christians and Children of Sister Ethiopian Church that have suffered and endured the fruitless oppressive terrorism. While our condolences are offered, we definitely rely on our firm faith that our beloved martyrs who preceded us have lifted our hearts to heaven and made us desire heaven and have pure longing for the time when we are all united.
we Condemn the evil Islamic State massacre of Eritrean Christians in Libya And we calls for the for the intervention International community and All institutions to combat the Terror threat.We asked Strong for the international community to protect migrants In Libiya.
we Condemn the ‘criminal act’ committed against Our People Our Blood in Libya.
We are the Eritrean Orthodox Chirstians we condemn for the barbaric terrorist act And call up on all international communities And Governments to provide protection to migrants where ever they live.
It is a crime against humanity, and if there's anything we should stand for as human beings, first and foremost it's the sanctity of all human life.
It is a crime against humanity, and if there's anything we should stand for as human beings, first and foremost it's the sanctity of all human life.
The majority of the victims are Eritreans, but the Eritrean Government newspaper Hadas Eritrea wrote all the victims as Ethiopians. It is a shame! Shame to the Eritrean dictatorial regime and its mass media .This is the true face of the Eritrean regime. Shame on the regime again for continuously ridiculing in our misery like the tragedy of Lampedusa.
I have message for my people: Who die by the terrorist group In Libya?
I call to our people to stand with your victims. Are you Christians? Stand with your victims. Are you Eritreans Stand with your citizens. Are you in need of peace in Eritrea? You must condemn this Massacre. Are you Eritreans? You must condemn this barbaric act of terror. Are you human? You must condemn this barbaric act.
I call to our people to stand with your victims. Are you Christians? Stand with your victims. Are you Eritreans Stand with your citizens. Are you in need of peace in Eritrea? You must condemn this Massacre. Are you Eritreans? You must condemn this barbaric act of terror. Are you human? You must condemn this barbaric act.
O my People where is your government? Today is your day. How long will you keep silent? You must speak for yourself as the regime has no interest for you.
In the past 390 Eritreans died, but no one ask about them. 350 Eritreans died in the Mediterranean Sea and no one is interested about them. No one ask about them. 200 Eritreans died in the Sea and no one ask about them. This time many Eritreans murdered in Libya and no one ask about them, because you and me are their brothers and Sisters. It is because no one is Interested about them. However today is for them and tomorrow is for you.
In the past 390 Eritreans died, but no one ask about them. 350 Eritreans died in the Mediterranean Sea and no one is interested about them. No one ask about them. 200 Eritreans died in the Sea and no one ask about them. This time many Eritreans murdered in Libya and no one ask about them, because you and me are their brothers and Sisters. It is because no one is Interested about them. However today is for them and tomorrow is for you.
In one day Eritrean christians and Ethiopian christians killed by Islamic State, and the world religious organizations, the Orthodox and Catholic leaders and political leaders all condemned the massacre and offered their condolences to the people of Ethiopia , but the Eritrean victims are Forgotten. This is Very Sad. History will judge.
These Eritrean Martyrs who were dead on the coast and desert of Libya were not politicians, nor military soldiers, or they were not Armed people, considered to be dangerous people for security. rather they were young innocent migrants abandoned their Home Land because of Dictatorial Government for searching Democracy and better Future. these are Honest People .
As people of faith and none who respect humanity and life, we must continue to speak out against such appalling and senseless violence.
As Christians, we remain committed to our initial instinct following the murder of our 39 Eritrean brothers in Libya, that it is not only for our own good, but indeed our duty to ourselves, the world, and even those who see themselves as our enemies, to forgive and pray for the perpetrators of this and similar crimes. We pray for these men and women, self-confessed religious people, that they may be reminded of the sacred and precious nature of every life created by God.
As Christians, we remain committed to our initial instinct following the murder of our 39 Eritrean brothers in Libya, that it is not only for our own good, but indeed our duty to ourselves, the world, and even those who see themselves as our enemies, to forgive and pray for the perpetrators of this and similar crimes. We pray for these men and women, self-confessed religious people, that they may be reminded of the sacred and precious nature of every life created by God.
We are saddened that these young people were killed, because they refused to change their faith in a world where every human being regardless of race, color, and religion should live in any country with their human rights respected.
It doesn't change our view of God that these 47 men died in this way. They were sacrificed, but so much has come out of it.
we support for President Sisi in his call for international intervention in Libya. We continue to pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones to ISIS and will continue to advocate on behalf of all Christians facing the threat of persecution in the Middle East and North Africa.
we support for President Sisi in his call for international intervention in Libya. We continue to pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones to ISIS and will continue to advocate on behalf of all Christians facing the threat of persecution in the Middle East and North Africa.
We pray repose for the souls of these innocent men, a change of heart for those who took their lives, but above all we pray comfort and strength for their families and communities, and the many around the world who may not have known them, yet are left to mourn such a tragic and unnecessary loss of precious life.
We will keep the Martyrs in our prayers. May their souls rest in peace in heaven among the Angels and Saints. We pray for all the bereaved family members that the Lord may grant you his consolation. May God give strength and comforted the families of our martyrs brothers in christ to all Ethiopians and Ereatrians as a whole.
Father Mussie ShiShay
An Eritrean Orthodox Pirest In Switzerland.
An Eritrean Orthodox Pirest In Switzerland.