Personal Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime.

Personal Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime. Eritrea's problem is not Economical. Nobody knows our problem better than ourselves. Our problem is lack of Justice including the freedom of life. Our Problem is the Eritrean Dictator and his administration; but the European union does not understand our problem. EU does not understand where the real problem is! Why are Eritreans leaving the country? It is because of the repressive policy of the Eritrea's dictatorial regime. In Eritrea we do not have any kind of justice and Human Rights, We do not have peace as long as we are enslaved by the dictator. The source of our problem is not economic; instead it is Human Rights. For instance to assume I fled from my country because of lack of food is wrong. This is a misunderstanding. I am an Eritrean who used to have five hectares of land and do import and export business and earn good income. However I have to fled from my beloved homeland by leaving my ...