
Showing posts from March, 2015

Personal Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime.

Personal Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime. Eritrea's problem is not Economical. Nobody knows our problem better than ourselves. Our problem is lack of Justice including the freedom of life. Our Problem is the Eritrean Dictator and his administration; but the European union does not understand our problem. EU does not understand where the real problem is! Why are Eritreans leaving the country? It is because of the repressive policy of the Eritrea's dictatorial regime. In Eritrea we do not have any kind of justice and Human Rights, We do not have peace as long as we are enslaved by the dictator. The source of our problem is not economic; instead it is Human Rights. For instance to assume I fled from my country because of lack of food is wrong. This is a misunderstanding. I am an Eritrean who used to have five hectares of land and do import and export business and earn good income. However I have to fled from my beloved homeland by leaving my ...

Cloistered Ethiopian nun, 90, who has spent her life in a convent is revealed to be a musical genius after classical pianist stumbled across her scribbled scores

Cloistered Ethiopian nun, 90, who has spent her life in a convent is revealed to be a musical genius after classical pianist stumbled across her scribbled scores Gifted: Emahoy Tsegué-Mariam Guebrù has spent almost her entire life shut away in a convent kept company by her two passions - God and music Emahoy Tsegué-Mariam Guebrù rarely ever leaves convent in Jerusalem   But now on brink of global stardom after discovery by pianist   Maya Dunietz Over 70 years she devoted life to God and piano, penning opus in bedroom Dunietz found old recording in London music store and set out to find her Dunietz has turned opus into book and organised concert for Tuesday She describes Guebru's work as 'intimate, natural, honest and very feminine'     A ninety-year-old Ethiopian nun   has been hailed as a musical genius after a concert pianist stumbled across her scribbled scores and decided to showcase them to the world. Emaho...

Iraq, Is destroys the monastery of Mar Behnam.

Iraq, Is destroys the monastery of Mar Behnam.   Iraq, Is destroys the monastery of Mar Behnam   Dynamite against the Christian heritage and culture. Again the jihadists in Iraq of Is She will turn a place and a Christian symbol in the Nineveh Plain. An old place, which is also a cultural and historical site that belongs to humanity.   Images broadcast via social media by eyewitnesses document the destruction of the Christian monastery of Mar Behnam, built in Byzantine and occupied by jihadists last July.  The old building, now reduced to rubble, is located in the plains dotted with Christian villages east of Mosul, Iraq's second city and "capital" of the area occupied by the self-styled Islamic State (Is)   The monastery of Mar Behnam (Baltic means "holy") is located near the battered Christian town of Qaraqosh or Bakhdida and is not far from the archaeological site of Nimrud (one of four Assyrian capital, founded in the thirteenth cen...

the Eritrean Dictatorship is Arrested from the residence of Adi keyh destroyed their homes.

the Eritrean Dictatorship  is Arrested from the residence of Adi keyh and  destroyed their homes. from them , 1,  President awqaf Adi keyH Mister, Haji suleman 2, Mister, Mohamed ona   3, wedi Guaruja   4, wedi keshi arrest in 13.03.2015 from thier work and their Home. and again demolished the House civilians adi keyh.   we condemn for this against human being Regime . this is crime against humanity. we calling for All world wide human rights groups for Condemn this Dictatorial Regime. the Eritrean people is still suffering from this Criminal government. in the past week in 03/07/2015 (Eritrea) - At least two people were reportedly killed and more than 13 others were injured after Eritrean security forces opened fire on residents trying to block a demolition drive in the southern town of Adi Keyh . this is Eritrea ,those are Eritrean victims. destroy their homes by Eritrean regime. Eritrean Children is not only sufering from food addition sufering fr...

ደብረ ዘይት

ደብረ ዘይት   እዚ ዕለት እዚ ብናይ ቤተ ክርስቲያና ስርዓተ ትምህርትን  ናይ ዕለቱ ትምህርቲ ደብረዘይቲ ይበሃል።ከምተን ዝቀደማ ሰንበታት ኩሉ ናይ ቅዱስ ያሬድ ስያሜ ኪከውን ከሎ፡በዚ መዓልቲ እዚ ጎይታናን መድሓኒናን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ኣብ ደብረዘይት ተቀሚጡ ከሎ፡ዝበሎ፡ ብግርማ መለኮት፡ብመለኮታዊ ሓይልን ግርማን  ብቅዱሳን መላእኽቲ ተዓጂቡ፡ከም ዝመጽእ፡ናይ ዓለም ፍጻሜ ከምኡ ከም ዝኸውንን፡ኣብ ደብረዘይቲ ምስትምሃሩ፡ብምዝካር፡እቲ ብኽብሪ ዝዓረገ ጎይታ ህጂ እውን ብኽብሪ ብምምጻእ፡ነቶም ዝተኣዘዙዎ፡ዓስቦም፡ብምሃብ።ነቶም ዘይተኣዘዙዎ ኸኣ ዓስቦም ብምሃብ፡ምድራዊ ስርዓት ብምስዓር ሰማያዊ ስርዓትን መንግስትን ክእውጅ፡ካብ ኣዒንቲ እቶም ዘፍቅሩዎን ዘፍቅሮምን ንብዓት ክሕንስስ፡ንሓጥኣን ክወቅስ፡ንጻድቃን ክውድስን ክንእድን፡መንግስቱ ከውርስን፡ምምጽኡ እንዳ ሓሰበት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ን ኣምላኻን መድሓኒኣን ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ተምልኽ። ቅዱስ ያሬድ እውን እንበኣር ነዚ ትምህርቲ እዚ፡ብመዝሙሩ ክጠቅሶ ንርእይ፡ስለዚ ድማ ኢዩ፡በዓል ዜማ ኣብ ይትበሃል ደብረዘይት ዝብሎ። ናይ ዕለት ናይ ቅዱስ ያሬድ መዝሙር ርእሲ"እንዘ ይነብር እግዚእነ ዉስተ ደብረ ዘይት"ዝብል ናይ ዕለቱ ምስባኽ፡ እግዚኣብሔርሰ ገሀድ ይመጽእ ወአምላክነሂ እያረምም እሳት ይነድድ ቅድሜሁ ፠ እግዚኣብሔር ወልድ ብስጋ ማርያም፡ስጋ ለቢሱ ይመጽእ፡መጺኡ ድማ ስቅ ኣይብልን።ወይልኹም ኣቱም ጸሓፍትን ፈሪሳውያንን።ኢሉ ይወቅስ፡ወቂሱ ስቅ ኣይብልን ወንጌል ይሰብኽ። እግዚኣብሔር ወልድ በክበበ ትስብእት ብግርማ መለኮት 2ይ ግዜ ክመጽእ ኢዩ።መጺኡ ስቅ ኣይብልን፡ንጻድቃንን ንሓጥኣንን ፡ነቶም ጻድቃን"ኣንቱም ናይ ኣቦይ ብሩኻት፡ናባይ ንዑ፡እቲ ዝተዳለወልኩም መንግስቲ ኣቦይ ...

ዓቢ ጾም ካልኣይ ሰንበት ቕድስቲ ትበሃል

ዓቢ ጾም ካልኣይ ሰንበት ቕድስቲ ትበሃል ዓቢ ጾም ቅድስቲ ትበሃል።መበገሲ ስሙ ያረዳዊ ክኸውን ከሎ፡ኣርእስተ መዝሙር ርእሰ ጾም ናይ ድጓ መኽፈሊ ኮይኑ ዝቀርብ ስም እዩ።ኦርተደክሳዊት ቤተ ክርስትይን ን ኣምላኽ እትውድሰሉን ምስጋና እተቅርበሉን ስርዓት ኣለዋ ከምዚ ንሪኦ ዘለና።በዚ ድማ ስለ ክብረ ሰንበት ስለ እግዚኣብሄር ምሕረት ይዝመር ኣብ ቅዳሴ ግዜ ድማ መጻሕፍቲ ስለ ቅድስና ይስበኹ። ናይ ዕለቱ ምስባኽ ተሪኢና ከምዚ ይብል፡- እግዚኣብሔር   ግና   ሰማያት   ገበረ፤   ግርማን   ክብረትን   ኣብ   ቅድሚኡ፤   ሓይልን   ጽባቐን   ኣብ   መቕደሱ   እዩ።   መዝ   96 ፡ 5-6 ። መዝሙር   ዳዊት፡ -   እግዚኣብሔርሰ   ሰማያ ተ   ገብረ፤ ኣሚን ወሰናይት ቅድሜሁ፤   ቅድሳት ወዕበየ ስብሓት ውስተ መቅደሱ። Psalms:- “but the LORD made the heavens. Honor and majesty [are] before him: strength and beauty [are] in his sanctuary.” Psalms 96:5-6.   ቅዳሴ፡-   ቅ. ኤጲፋንዮስ ወንጌል ማቴ 7፡16-25። ናይ ዕለቱ ናይ ቅዱስ ያረድ መዝሙር ፡- ግነዩ ለእግዚኣብሔር ወጸዉኡ ስሙ(ንእግዚኣብሔር ኣመስግኑ ስሙ ጸውዑ) ናይ ቅድሴ ሰዓት ዝንበብ ናይ መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ክፍሊ 1, 1ይ ተሰሎ 4፡1-13።           ዲያቆን (ሰራዒ ድያቆን 2, 1ይ ጴጥ1፡13 ክሳዕ መፈጸምታ   ...