the Eritrean Dictatorship is Arrested from the residence of Adi keyh destroyed their homes.

the Eritrean Dictatorship  is Arrested from the residence of Adi keyh and  destroyed their homes.

from them ,
1,  President awqaf Adi keyH Mister, Haji suleman
2, Mister, Mohamed ona 
3, wedi Guaruja 
4, wedi keshi arrest in 13.03.2015 from thier work and their Home. and again demolished the House civilians adi keyh. 
we condemn for this against human being Regime . this is crime against humanity. we calling for All world wide human rights groups for Condemn this Dictatorial Regime.
the Eritrean people is still suffering from this Criminal government. in the past week in 03/07/2015 (Eritrea) - At least two people were reportedly killed and more than 13 others were injured after Eritrean security forces opened fire on residents trying to block a demolition drive in the southern town of Adi Keyh .

this is Eritrea ,those are Eritrean victims. destroy their homes by Eritrean regime. Eritrean Children is not only sufering from food addition sufering from the shelter becasue thier Government is against the their Homes stay like illegal resident. nothing freedom , nothing future, nothing peace, nothing house, nothing food !!!.

And we calling for every Eritreans stand in solidarity against the needless act of demolishing residential houses at a time when many Eritreans are suffering as a result of severe shortage of housing.
God Blesss Eritrea .
father mussie Shishay .
An Eritrean Orthodox priest


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