Personal Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime.
Appeal to the EU Not to Send Fund to the Eritrean Regime.
problem is not Economical. Nobody knows our problem better than
ourselves. Our problem is lack of Justice including the freedom of
life. Our Problem is the Eritrean Dictator and his administration;
but the European union does not understand our problem. EU does not
understand where the real problem is!
are Eritreans leaving the country? It is because of the repressive
policy of the Eritrea's dictatorial regime. In Eritrea we do not have
any kind of justice and Human Rights, We do not have peace as long as
we are enslaved by the dictator. The source of our problem is not
economic; instead it is Human Rights.
instance to assume I fled from my country because of lack of food is
wrong. This is a misunderstanding. I am an Eritrean who used to have
five hectares of land and do import and export business and earn good
income. However I have to fled from my beloved homeland by leaving my
families there because of lack of my Human Rights.
can not be silent as the EU decided to reward the dictatorship in
Eritrea by providing more funds. By helping to maintain a brutal
regime in power, we Condemn these funds. This is against our Right;
this is against the Eritrean Prisoners of Conscience; and this is
against all Eritreans victims of repression.
do not understand why European union is helping a non-democratic
government. We do not believe this fund will help the Eritrean
People. This fund will be used for a new war in the horn of Africa
and will cause mass exodus of our people.
only solution for Eritrea is to build a democratic government;
release Eritrean Prisoners of Conscience; abandoning the seemingly
unending national service program.; and respect human Rights of its
citizens. Therefore, we call for the European Union to stop helping
the dictatorial regime in Eritrea till it respects the rights of its
a government who blocked election for twenty years; bans free media;
and denies democratic Rights of Civilians; EU help is against Human
Rights. Yes, the European Union is helping the dictatorial regime for
its own interest on behalf of our suffering; but history will Judge
it. This is a shame for Europe!
Shishay Mussie
Eritrean Orthodox Priest