Iraq, 100,000 Christians fleeing jihadists "Initiates US raid." But the Pentagon denies

Iraq, 100,000 Christians fleeing jihadists "Initiates US raid." But the Pentagon denies

Iraq, 100,000 Christians fleeing jihadists "Initiates US raid." But the Pentagon denies
The State Islamic conquest of the area of Nineveh. Pope's appeal to the international community. Ban Ki-moon: "I'm upset, you have to intervene." Obama clears way for humanitarian aid
Tens of thousands of Christians fleeing. Women, children, the elderly, and with their priests and nuns, marching to try to find shelter after being forced to leave their homes, many even in pajamas and barefoot. This new horror scenario that exists today in northern Iraq, where the militia of the Islamic State (Isis), as modern Huns continue their advance that neither the army nor the Kurdish Peshmerga forces seem more able to stop. An "appeal to the international community" has been addressed by the Pope to "put an end to the humanitarian tragedy taking place and why it takes action to protect threatened by violence and ensure support to displaced people." An appeal that the Pope has launched the "conscience of all", while inviting us to pray all Christians and Churches. The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon is "down in the field. "Deeply shocked" by the news of attacks by Isis, has appealed to the international community to support the government of the country, during an emergency meeting of the Security Council. The Secretary-General calls for "the international community, in particular those with the influence and resources to positively change the situation, are invited to support the government and people of Iraq, doing everything possible to help alleviate the suffering of the population. "

Meanwhile, the New York Times is reporting that at least two objectives Isis in northern Iraq were bombed by airplanes United States, but the Pentagon denies flatly. "The items that the United States has conducted aerial bombings in Iraq are completely false. No action was taken, "said spokesman John Kirby. Even the Wall Street Journal reports the claims of the Kurdish defense minister, Anwar You Othman, according to which US military operations are already underway and some US fighters would hit targets in the plains of Sinjar in northern Iraq, and close to the Kurdish city of Ebril, in the province of Gwair. Sources cited by the government in Baghdad CNN have instead claimed that all the bombings against the forces of Isis are conducted in this phase of the Iraqi air force.

The Pentagon has confirmed that the cargo planes instead Use are already in the area for the launch aid food and medicine to the people trapped. The go-ahead came from President Obama. It is not when the mission will be completed, but the Pentagon do know that there is some concern about reports of at least 40 American soldiers in Erbil that may be threatened by ISIS.

In the international community, France was the first to respond: first, asking for an urgent convocation of the UN Security Council, which meets later in the evening, and then confirming "its readiness to lend support 'to' forces in Iraq are engaged "in the fight against Islamic extremists. Was reported by the state Elisha after a phone call between President Francois Hollande and President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani, whose forces are now virtually alone in trying to stop the advance of the Isis in the province of Nineveh. But, according to the New York Times, even President Barack Obama is considering air strikes on militant jihadists. "There will be no American troops in Iraq. Any military action will be limited in its goals, "he explained, however, the White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, reiterating Obama's position that" there is no military solution to the Iraq crisis: what is needed is a solution politics. "

"Plunder, ravage, steal in houses, not even those churches" as Monsignor Yousif Thoma, Chaldean archbishop of Kirkuk and Sulaymaniyah, the Mishnah describes the drama of Qaraqosh, the Christian town of northern Iraq occupied between yesterday and today by Sunni insurgents along with three other centers. "All 50,000 residents were forced to leave the city - says Monsignor Thoma - and are reaching walk Erbil or Sulaymaniyah (in the region of Kurdistan)." Other sources speak of a flood of 100,000 refugees in desperate march, counting those who had found refuge in Qaraqosh and nearby villages after being forced to flee Mosul was conquered by the Islamic State in June. The jihadists have also "removed the crosses from churches and ancient manuscripts burned," according to the Chaldean patriarch of Kirkuk, Louis Sako, talking about a true "humanitarian disaster." "The Christians have had to abandon everything, even the shoes, barefoot and were routed by force to the area of Kurdistan," says the Vatican agency Fides Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

But are not all Sunnis to be targeted by the Islamic State in its mad holy war. At least 8 refugees sheltering in a Shiite mosque in Kirkuk were killed today and 40 others were wounded in a suicide bombing.

The Kurdish Peshmerga, even with the air cover aviation in Baghdad, appear in considerable difficulties in the face of advancing militia under the banner of this new Jihad. Today, according to local sources, the forces of the Isis would be able to seize even the dam on the Tigris north of Mosul, strategically important because it controls the distribution of water in the vast territories of northern Iraq. A embarrass the Kurds, also, is the mass of hundreds of refugees who seek refuge in their territory. And right from the Kurdish city of Erbil, today, the Italian Deputy Foreign Minister Lapo Pistelli has asked the international community to provide "immediately" support "rapid and tangible for the Kurdish regional government and the Peshmerga."


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