Statement about Eritrean Christians beheaded and shot to death in Libya by Islamic state.

Statement about Eritrean Christians beheaded and shot to death in Libya by Islamic state.

For the second time in this year, Islamic State has beheaded and shot Eritrean Christians in Libya. In addition, it has captured many Eritreans. Shockingly and heavy-heartedly, we would like to inform this harrowing NEWS to our people. What these death cults have been doing is barbaric, demonic and annoying. What a saddening and heart-breaking News. It is to be noted, Daesh (An acronym for ISIS or ISIL), killed 28 Eritrean and Ethiopian Christians on 19th of April, this year. In the same fashion, the Libya franchise of ISIS has recently beheaded and shot Eritrean Christians who refused to recant their faith.

As yet, the exact number of the victims in the latest incident cannot be independently verified. Nevertheless,  we have confirmed Eritrean Christians in Libya have been killed by Daesh death cults.This sad News came from Eritrean Human Rights activist, Ms Meron Estifanos. Besides, some of the family victims in Eritrea have been informed.

We strongly condemn this demonic and terrorist act. ISIS as usual slaughtered our innocent brothers and sisters in a cold-blooded murder. These thugs do not have any respect for human life. Without missing a beat, they are human-animals. I cannot tell you enough how much sad and indignant I am right at the moment. May the Lord God dismantle this evil network of incarnated devils. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims, the oppressed Eritrean people and Eritrean Church. We would like to express our strong solidarity with our oppressed people in light of “this painful tragedy".

We pray for their families.We pray that God receive these innocent souls right at the gates of heaven. We Pray for our church. We pray that God protects those hostages who are still in the hands of this evil network. We pray God give them strength during these challenging moments.

These Eritrean martyrs who were Persecuted Christians were neither politicians, nor soldiers, or they were not armed people considered to be dangerous people for security. Rather, they were young innocent migrants who fled their homeland and were hopeful to save their lives from the dictatorship in Eritrea. They were decapitated and shot to death at a tender age. I lament, I lament, I lament, the suffering of my own people has been soaring. Dear Lord please intervene!

Apparently speaking, most of the world’s religions were spread through migrants. The Jews became a nation after their migration to Africa. The first Muslims came to Eritrea around 615 A.D. They escaped untold persecution in Mecca. Eritrea was the first country in the world to became a refuge for followers of Mohammad. Had it not been for the courtesy and compassion of our people, the followers of Mohammad would have been perished. In Eritrea, they found not only a safe haven, yet they preached their faith undeterred. It is the same people, whom they have been slaying, that protected them during those calamitous moments. If these Islamists have traced back their history, they would have known the land of Eritrea was good to their forefathers. But, these killers forgot history and have been killing the very people who gave them a shelter and protection. 

I know that I know, the the world Ignored our cry and plight. I know the world gave us a deaf ear. Where is the Media? Had this thing happened to other nationals, then world media would have reported it right away. Are we forgotten people? The world might forget us, yet we have the Almighty God on our side.

Still around 200 Eritreans Christians have been held as hostages by this terrorist group. No one knows whether they are dead or still alive.

We could not get a help from the world when we needed it the most. Time and again, we called for an international intervention against the jihadists in Libya. However, western diplomats did not give us an ear. Let alone intervention, the media stream still remain defiant to broadcast this brutal incident. Again, we call the international community, UN, diplomats and other agencies to intervene and to take punitive action against the jihadists in Libya. We would like to tell the world this jihadists pose a threat not only to Africa or the middle east. They are commissioned by the devil to wipe off the whole human race.

We as a nation will keep the Martyrs in our prayers. May their souls rest in peace in heaven among the Angels and Saints. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the bereaved families. May the Lord God comfort my people. May the Lord God bring an end to the injustice in my homeland Eritrea, which is the cause of mass exodus of Eritrean Youths. May the Lord God do away every form of terrorism from our world. May God disrupt the intents of this evil and satanic network. May the rule of the law prevail over the rule of the jungle.

God bless Eritrea.
Father Mussie Shishay 
An Orthodox Church Priest In Switzerland.


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