Eritrean Regime is House Arrest 5 Eritrean Orthodox Bishops three archbishops 2 bishops.
Eritrean Regime is House Arrest 5 Eritrean Orthodox Bishops three archbishops 2 bishops.
After Published new. we Calling to Asmera about Eritrean Orthodox Church Station , we Confermed Eritrean Regime is HouseArrest 5 Eritrean Orthodox Bishops After they Ask About freedom of Patriarch Antenios 1st Legal Patriarch Eritrean Orthodox Church. those Bishops Are 5 bishops in one House one Bishop in his post.
1, ARchi Bishop Kerilos
2,Archi Bishops Yewhans
3,Archi Bishop Salama
4, Bishops Atinatewos
5,Bishop Baslios
6,Bishop Peter
But someone information from them 5 bishops bishop Peter asked to Sorry for Eritrean Government to free.
but we Confirmed 4 Bishop's Still to House Arrest one bishop is in His Post.
We Condemn for this Antichrist Punishment Dictatorial Government and we Ask for International Intervention.
God Bless Eritrea.
fathermussie shishay An Eritrean Orthodox priest Switzerland
After Published new. we Calling to Asmera about Eritrean Orthodox Church Station , we Confermed Eritrean Regime is HouseArrest 5 Eritrean Orthodox Bishops After they Ask About freedom of Patriarch Antenios 1st Legal Patriarch Eritrean Orthodox Church. those Bishops Are 5 bishops in one House one Bishop in his post.
1, ARchi Bishop Kerilos
2,Archi Bishops Yewhans
3,Archi Bishop Salama
4, Bishops Atinatewos
5,Bishop Baslios
6,Bishop Peter
But someone information from them 5 bishops bishop Peter asked to Sorry for Eritrean Government to free.
but we Confirmed 4 Bishop's Still to House Arrest one bishop is in His Post.
We Condemn for this Antichrist Punishment Dictatorial Government and we Ask for International Intervention.
God Bless Eritrea.
fathermussie shishay An Eritrean Orthodox priest Switzerland