Dear my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ in the Coptic Church.
Dear my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ in the Coptic Church.
I have no words to express! How deeply sorry I am to hear about loss live of our brothers and sister in the Coptic Orthodox Faith. I'm in shock to here this news. My prayers and thoughts are with you all during this horrible time.
As it was said on (Psalms 44:22) truly, because of you we are put to death every day; we are numbered like sheep for destruction.
Yesterday our Brother and Sister in the Coptic Christians faith were killed in bomb attack, mostly women and children whom were attending Sunday mass at St. Peter and St. Paul church, adjacent to the St. Mark’s Cathedral and papal residence of Pope Tawadros II, the leader of the Coptic Orthodox community in Egypt and worldwide.
About 40 were martyred and 35 injured. We do not understand how the bomb came to be inside the church! As security were thought to be very tight.
We are deeply affected by this horrific and barbaric act. We condemn strongly and we Offer our Condolences for the Family of the Victims and we pray for the victims of horrible terrorist attacks!
I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality!.
we are very distress. When we witness the evil work of Islamic Terrorist Still Try to destroy the Christian faith from the Middle East.
Today the Coptic Church has paid her martyr, what matter is for the Universal community to find out who is behind this Terrorist attack? And where t is the Terrorist group based? The world need to take action in eliminating the Terrorist group.
Our Christian brothers are not only targeted by Terrorist groups, there are state of countries like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia every year killing Christians publicly. However, no one has Condemn such practise. When the Muslims goes to western world the get freedom to insult Christianity. but, if someone Christina's insult Islam in their Land, they get Sentenced to death or teenagers too many years in prison.
They only Targets Christians. the agenda of Muslim Terrorists is not only for middle east or Africa or Asia their plan is dangerous for the World non-Muslims countries. The Muslims Terrorist are a big threat for the peace of the World.
every five minutes, a Christian is killed for his faith in Christ by Muslims. Why Western leaders are silent about this matter, Saudi Arabia royals are not only sponsored terror but spreading teaching of racial and religious hatred all over the world? The teaching from Saudi textbooks used by Islamic schools in the United States is no different from what is taught in schools run by the Islamic State in areas it controls. In fact, for the most part ISIS is using textbooks that were published in Saudi Arabia.
Virtually all the Islamic terror groups of the Sunni variety are or were at one time financed at least in part by Saudi Arabia. this includes the Taliban, al-Nusra and, yes, the Islamic State. There are NO churches in Saudi Arabia. (Romans8: 35-39)Who will come between us and the love of Christ? Will trouble, or pain, or cruel acts, or the need of food or of clothing, or danger, or the sword? As it is said in the bible, Because of you we are put to death every day; we are like sheep ready for destruction.
But we are able to overcome all these things and more through his love. For I am certain that not death, or life, or angels, or rulers, or things present, or things to come, or powers, or things on high, or things under the earth, or anything which is made, will be able to come between us and the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We will keep the Martyrs in our prayers. May their souls rest in peace in heaven among the Angels and Saints.
We pray for all the bereaved family members that the Lord may grant you his consolation.
God bless all of you. father Mussie ShishayAn Eritrean Orthodox Priest Switzerland