why? America support muslim Brotherhood terrorist?.

why? America support muslim Brotherhood terrorist?.

What if mosques were burned, then the Arab Leauge ,european union
. the US and the UN would speak up . 
We live in a world full of partiality. Only God is the healer and the Judge.
Last time when Quran was burned,,european union
. the US and the UN would speak up . 

there was an uproar through out the moslem world . And the Obama administration spoke up . But when Christians are killed and are persecuted no one speaks.
where is the western realty ?.
where si the balance?.
why? America support muslim Brotherhood terrorist?.
why ? America need muslims brothers in our area?.
where is the American particularly?.
where ?! Where is the realty??. 
Western politics joking by our blood!.have other agenda or what?.muslims killing your brother .america speaking about his intersts.the egyptian problem is not political problom.this is religious problem . muslim brothers only killed christians and only burn churches no burn mosques.

52 churches are destroyed . many christians killed.many shops burn.the christians are suffering by muslim brothers.At the now the life for christians very difficult. but no one speak! From the Western countries !!!.
in other said america and some european countries no happy the army protect our churches . Turiki closed the embassy In Egypt strange and Italy the same . 
why ? western countries need muslims brothers in our area?.
why western peoples in the said of muslim brothers?.
no one speak! From the Western countries !!!.
Jesus is our reliable hope and redeemer.
God bless our area! and our churchs and all the people.
Rev. musie shishay Eritrean orthodox priest


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